At Stratton Early Learning Centre we like to celebrate with our families and participate in community events. We support our local community by informing our families of local events and businesses within the area.
At Stratton Early Learning Centre we incorporate both incursions and excursions into our childrens programs.
Incursion events may include:
Foreign language tuition in the Kindy Play Room.
Children’s Yoga
Our end of year celebration activities which usually involve bouncy castles, face painting and art & craft activities.
We also like to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with our families each year.
Excursions have included visits to the local primary school, pizza making at the local Pizza shop, Perth Zoo, Kings Park, Caversham Park, theatre, play centre and the library plus many more. These change each year depending on the childrens’ interests.
Parents are kept informed of upcoming events in the Newsletter and there are usually pictures and a summary in the next edition of the Newsletter. Please note that some events do involve a small additional fee.